Joar Engberg

Personal projects

easy ik gif

Real-time IK solver in Unity

A fast and simple inverse kinematics solver for Unity game engine, using the FABRIK algorithm. FABRIK uses a forward and backward iterative approach, finding each joint position via locating a point on a line.
Source on GitHub
Video on Youtube



node editor gif

Node editor framework in Python/PySide2

A UI node editor framework written in Python. This framework can be used as a standalone application or integrated into Python + PySide2 projects.
Link to Github Repo



Animation retargeting tool

A tool for transferring animation data between rigs or transfer raw mocap from a skeleton to a custom rig. (The script is compatible with Autodesk: Maya 2017 or later.)
Source on GitHub
Video on Youtube




2d cloth simulation gif

2D cloth simulation

A script used to simulate cloth physics on a 2D grid using the Verlet integration method. The purpose of this project was to learn more about physics simulation and numerical methods. The script was made for Unity2D.
Source on GitHub
Real-time demo (WebGL)



Automated lip sync tool for Maya

A tool for creating automated lip sync animations from sound clips and transcripts in Maya. The tool is running a forced alignment system in background which will assign phonomes to timestamps (based on the input sound and text). The tool will then read the output data, load the predefined poses and create keyframes based on the data.
Source on GitHub


